COMING SHORTLY - CAST Statement on the 3 Billion Tunnel

We have opposed the concept and construction of the 3B
Tunnel from the time it was first proposed by Jim Soorley.

We're preparing a detailed statement to explain why we
continue to vigorously oppose the Tunnel, and why we urge
all motorists to boycott the Tunnel.

Keep checking this site for our full statement.

INFORMATION ALERT CIty Bus Stops relocated from Monday 8 March

Bus stops 56 and 57 on Queen Street near Post Office
Square will be temporarily closed from Monday 8
March to Wednesday 30 June due to streetscape
construction works.
Stop 58 will be moved by up to 20m in the direction
of travel and services from this stop will also be affected.

For full details of bus services affected and a map of
the location of the new stops, go to


We are continuing to make submissions on behalf of public transport users, cyclists and pedestrians to Translink, service providers and Government.

These are shown on the page below described as 'Submissions to Translink' together with current status and replies if any.

If you are aware of a transport service or systemic fault that needs to be rectified or improved, contact us and we'll follow up the issue with the relevant authority on your behalf.

Comparison of Card and paper ticket costs 2010

This weekly comparison is based on actual trip diaries, 
using various combinations of single trip, daily and weekly 
tickets, with trip lengths between one and six zones. 
To obtain indicative results, trips are being taken during 
peak and off peak times, and on most days but not every day. 
The discount that applies to the SlowCard [officially known 
as the GoCard] after 10 trips in a week has been calculated.  
The results are clear - despite the huge increase in fares for 
paper tickets and misleading and expensive Translink 
propaganda and spin - paper tickets remain cheaper if the 
traveller takes a little time to plan his/her trips in advance.
And these are just the monetary benefits of boycotting the 
cards. Anyone who has had to ask Translink to fix a Card 
failure or overcharge will know just what we mean.
And we haven't needed to remember to touch on or off 
correctly once, or find an outlet to recharge a Card, or to
wait 24 hours for the system to recharge a Card.
Weekly updates will continue to be posted indefinitely.

                              Total         TOTAL         TOTAL        SAVE
                                 No.         COST W/      COST           WITH
                                 of            PAPER          USING        PAPER
                                 trips        TICKET        CARD         TICKET

                                                     $                     $                  %
Wk to 10 Jan         20               22.80             32.66               30
Number of days travelled = 4 
Wk to 17 Jan         21               33.10             37.95               12
Number of days travelled = 6
Wk to 24 Jan        30                46.30             47.24                 1.9
Number of days travelled = 6
Wk to 31 Jan        25                31.20             37.20               16
Number of days travelled = 6
Wk to 7 Feb          20                31.20             32.45                 3.8
Number of days travelled = 5
Wk to 14 Feb        16                24.60             27.50               11
Number of days travelled = 5
Wk to 21 Feb        20                31.50*           32.09                 1.9
Number of days travelled = 5
*We tried the most costly Paper alternatives this week, even buying a
ticket for an extra zone, but still couldn't exceed the total Card cost
Wk to 28 Feb        24                30.70             37.33              17.7 
Number of days travelled = 5
Wk to 7 Mar         13                16.10^           23.80              32.3
Number of days travelled = 3         
^We purposely reduced our number of trips  to check whether the cost
savings for paper tickets would remain when usage was lower - as you
can see, the differential actually increased!  This is the 10the consecutive
week that the paper ticket cost has been cheaper than the SlowCard