COMING SHORTLY - CAST Statement on the 3 Billion Tunnel

We have opposed the concept and construction of the 3B
Tunnel from the time it was first proposed by Jim Soorley.

We're preparing a detailed statement to explain why we
continue to vigorously oppose the Tunnel, and why we urge
all motorists to boycott the Tunnel.

Keep checking this site for our full statement.

INFORMATION ALERT CIty Bus Stops relocated from Monday 8 March

Bus stops 56 and 57 on Queen Street near Post Office
Square will be temporarily closed from Monday 8
March to Wednesday 30 June due to streetscape
construction works.
Stop 58 will be moved by up to 20m in the direction
of travel and services from this stop will also be affected.

For full details of bus services affected and a map of
the location of the new stops, go to


We are continuing to make submissions on behalf of public transport users, cyclists and pedestrians to Translink, service providers and Government.

These are shown on the page below described as 'Submissions to Translink' together with current status and replies if any.

If you are aware of a transport service or systemic fault that needs to be rectified or improved, contact us and we'll follow up the issue with the relevant authority on your behalf.

Urban Transport News


Story courtesy of The Courier Mail 24.02.10

A study from the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council says greenhouse gas emissions from transport are on track to skyrocket 75 per cent within 30 years – worse than in Melbourne.
Estimates in the report, which was released yesterday, show the number of trips taken in the southeast will almost double to 27 million by 2041 and travelling time will jump by 130 per cent.
"People living in the region are projected to require more transport to get to work, school, university, or to go to the shops, visit friends and family or any or undertake many of the other journeys needed in life," it says.
The report also predicts there will not be a fundamental shift in the way we travel, despite plans for major investments in busways and investigations into metro and light rail.
Public transport use projected to remain constant at 4 per cent by 2041 and private vehicle use decrease just one point, to 77 per cent.
Full story at